


itemcategorywordsSerial commandRemark
2time out:Uh Oh
3systemResetExit wake state
4wake wordhey sugarasr100reply:uh huh
5hello kittenbotreply:uh huh
6hello kittyreply:uh huh
7ledlamp onasr200Control digital signal of 3Pin output port
8light on
9lamp offasr201Control digital signal of 3Pin output port
10light off
11brighterasr202Control pwm of 3Pin output port
13red light onasr204Onboard red LED lights up
14green light onasr205Onboard green LED lights up
15yellow light onasr206Onboard yellow LED lights up
16blue light onasr207
17sitting room light onasr208
18sitting room light offasr209
19kitchen light onasr210
20kitchen light offasr211
21bedroom light onasr212
22bedroom light offasr213
23balcony light onasr214
24balcony light offasr215
25bathroom light onasr216
26bathroom light offasr217
27all light onasr218
28all light offasr219
29actuatoopen doorasr300Control 3Pin servo port
30close doorasr301
31open windowasr302
32close windowasr303
33open curtainsasr304
34close curtainsasr305
35hanger outasr306
36hanger inasr307
37fan onasr308Control 2Pin motor port
38fan offasr309
39speed upasr310
40slow downasr311
41air conditioner onasr312
42air conditioner offasr313
43music onasr314
44music offasr315
46previous songasr317
47next songasr318
48volume upasr319
49volume downasr320
50robot onasr321
51robot offasr322
52robot stopasr323
53move forwardasr324
54move backwardasr325
55turn leftasr326
56turn rightasr327
57lift onasr328
58first floorasr329
59second floorasr330
60third floorasr331
61measurementcheck temperatureasr400
62check humidityasr401
63check weatherasr402
64check timeasr403
65check dateasr404
66measure distanceasr405
67measure temperatureasr406
68measure weightasr407
69measure heightasr408


ItemSerial commandTTS
1AA 55 01 55 AAtemperature is
2AA 55 02 55 AAHumidity is
3AA 55 05 55 AAwelcome
4AA 55 06 55 AAdistance is
5AA 55 07 55 AAmillimeter
6AA 55 08 55 AAcentimeter
7AA 55 09 55 AAmeter
8AA 55 0A 55 AAtemperature is
9AA 55 0B 55 AAweight is
10AA 55 0C 55 AAgram
11AA 55 0D55 AAkilogram
12AA 55 0E 55 AAplease say the password
13AA 55 0F 55 AAThe weather is
14AA 55 10 55 AAsunny
15AA 55 11 55 AAcloudy
16AA 55 12 55 AAraining
17AA 55 13 55 AAsnowing
18AA 55 14 55 AAhaze
19AA 55 15 55 AAbig
20AA 55 16 55 AAmiddle
21AA 55 17 55 AAsmall
22AA 55 18 55 AAwhich floor are you going to
23AA 55 19 55 AAyes
24AA 55 1A 55 AAno
25AA 55 1B 55 AApercent
26AA 55 1C 55 AAYou are right
27AA 55 1D 55 AAYou are wrong
28AA 55 1E 55 AAdegrees
29AA 55 21 55 AAok
30AA 55 03 0C 1F 55 AAtime is$hour$min
32AA 55 1F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 AA(decimals)
33AA 55 20 0C 00 00 00 55 AA(integer)